It is imperative for companies’ overall benefit strategies to include 健康和幸福 as critical elements, while considering that diverse segments of the workforce will require tailored solutions.


The 健康和幸福 of your workforce is critical to the success of the business. 更重要的是, 当员工享有广泛的福利时, 他们往往更健康, 更有成效, 更忠诚.

我们的 按需运行状况2023年报告 found that 72% of employees with access to 10 or more benefits are more likely to stay with their employer, 88%的人认为雇主关心他们的健康和幸福, 而82%的人说他们在目前的职位上做得很好.

So how can you ensure your employee well-being programme meets the needs of your workforce?



    未来的工作取决于健康、专注的员工. 随着医疗费用的持续上涨, now is the time to consider bold new measures to deliver maximum value and balance healthcare cost concerns with empathy and employee engagement.

    一方面,一方面, organisations must keep costs to a minimum and protect the bottom line, 同时也要满足不断变化的法规, 管理复杂的风险暴露, and simplifying programme administration for HR teams who are increasingly feeling the pressure.

    Organisations also want to invest in their people — attracting and retaining the best talent and giving their employees benefits that truly benefit themselves and their loved ones.

    我们理解平衡两者的重要性. 这种平衡行为常常被视为“非此即彼”。. 但我们有不同的看法. 当等式两边同步的时候, you create a virtuous circle whereby one reinforces the other — and your people and business emerge stronger.

    Workplace well-being programmes are effective tools in improving your employee’s productivity, 健康和幸福. 关键组成部分包括获得高质量, 可获得和负担得起的卫生保健, the use of digital health to engage employees in a more personalised, social and convenient manner as well as evaluating ways of working to help manage psychosocial risks.

    Business leaders who adopt a human-centred design method that utilises data to drive decisions on what employees in their company need, 是否会创建一个提高员工敬业度的项目, 提升整个组织的文化和士气, 同时也降低了受伤或伤害的风险.

    A sound employee well-being programme starts with listening to employees and engaging the business on how health impacts the business. 使用经过验证的方法和分析工具, 我们可以帮助您构建具有变革性解决方案的路线图. 

    We’ve seen many times that the more healthy and robust a workplace culture, 需要的是不那么规范的政策. This is why it is crucial to have a healthy and safe culture that provides a platform for employees to innovate, 合作和执行. Improved productivity is a welcome consequence, with happier and more fulfilled experiences at work.
    Herve Balzano





      We help companies in every industry around the world achieve a win-win outcome. 我们的 unmatched, on-the ground presence means we offer deep local relevance at a global scale. 我们是健康福利计划的行业领导者, but we think and act like a challenger to deliver the best solutions for your people.

      凭借我们市场领先的技术, we’re able to create benefits experiences that enable your employees to make faster, 为他们和他们所爱的人做出更明智的选择. But our approach doesn’t just benefit your employees, it also benefits you. We’ll give you better insight into and control over your programmes.

      Finally, our local specialists are there for you and for your people.

      我们简化流程, 最小化管理, 并提供长期的效率, 同时永远不要忘记目标:真正的利益.


      • 更好地了解员工的概况和需求.
      • Identify the health and wellness benefits that are most valued by your workforce.
      • Build plans that include preventative healthcare and overall well-being.
      • Tackle mental, physical, social, and financial well-being through a holistic strategy.
      • 证明你的健康福利投资有回报.
      • 精神健康支持

        我们的心理健康诊断, strategy and implementation support helps you create a culture of health and provide a full spectrum of mental health support, 战略性地管理人员风险.
      • 医疗计划设计

        We help you maximise the value from your benefit plan with design tactics to encourage high-quality care. We go beyond market practice to incorporate features that make programmes more inclusive and address common gaps such as mental health.
      • 数字健康和福祉

        Use best-in-class digital health programmes and our front-door digital solutions to supplement traditional well-being programmes and advance ESG goals.
      • 包容的好处 

        我们的 inclusive benefits solutions help you accelerate your diversity, equity and inclusion journey by making sure your benefit programmes support the full workforce.
      • 残疾管理

        We help assess your rehabilitation and return-to-work programmes and practices to get employees back to work as soon as possible following illness or injury and to create workplaces that focus on individuals’ abilities.
      • 成本管理

        Balancing cost and empathy in employee benefits packages can help you improve finances, 降低风险, 提高员工满意度和留任率.


